The Call to share input for the 2024 conference is out! National staff, Scott Overpeck, shared with us a link survey, that has specific areas and needs for conference planning, during our network monthly Zoom.
“Share your input today to participate in co-creating next year’s conference!”
- Your input goes directly to the CCDA National Conference Planning team.
- We want to encourage leaders to share and shape this conference.
- Share this page with anyone in your network whose input should be considered to help inform the 2024 conference.

Help us get the word out! In Cincinnati last month, it was announced that the national conference will be in Portland, yes, in the PNW for the first time next year.
Your participation in the input survey is needed to help shape this conference. CCDA members, check your email for the survey in your inbox. You may already have received an input survey from Scott Overpeck or Christina Foor. They are reaching out to PNW CCDA members – practitioner leaders, pastors, and organizational staff to gather valuable insights for a conference theme, the values and characteristics that describe the work in our region, speaker ideas, as well as Go and SEE site locations and more!
This is our time to highlight PNW CCD work that inspires our region, connects people, and trains people to live out the Gospel in our communities in deeper ways.
You can click on the direct link above to share your input and how you can participate in co-creating the Portland conference together for next year, October 2-5, 2024!

Did you attend the 2023 conference in Cincinnati?
We want to share more pictures and reflections from the CCDA #Cincinnati2023 Conference from PNW regional network folks. Email pictures and/or reflections from workshops or speakers that moved you at
If you missed the Conference in person, recordings are available for purchase individually or as a bundle at the CCDA website.
Don’t miss out on the incredible sermons and trainings that were offered at #ccdaCincinnati. Purchase the recordings today!

Are you new to CCDA and CCDA PNW?
We are glad you are here and we want to keep in touch! Sign up for the CCDA PNW Monthly update below! You can also email us at with questions or to share what you are up to in your local neighborhood.